Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What We're Reading

We're really enjoying finding things in nature that we've read about and finding things in books that we've seen in nature. These 2570 baby spiders did not get the long and care that Wilbur gave Charlotte's 514 little ones but the kids did like to see spider egg sac briefly before they met an untimely demise (since unlike Wilbur, we did not want to keep some little spiders for friends

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Here are a couple of great websites we've been using to try to ID some of the many birds & trees we've been watching:
Bird calls - this is enature- we just found today and have been trying to ID plants, animal

we've loved seeing these trees with smooth grey bark. maybe an American beech?

Nature Pics

I thought moving up to Baltimore we wouldn't see much nature- I was really wrong! We've seen tons. Sherwood Gardens is just a couple blocks from our house. Beautiful! We've been there lots and lots- during the day me and the kids would go with nature journals or friends or with James for a nice after dinner walk. Peak of tulip season was Easter- I put some pics on our blog of our beautiful morning there- so many different colors of tulips. We also loved seeing a close-up painting of a tulip at the Museum of Art. We've also loved seeing all the different trees- in NC most trees have a straight tree trunk- here there are tons of different shapes.

At the end of tulip season, the azaelas came into bloom- several different colors. And now the roses are blooming. Hopefully some of my phone pics turn out good too bc I keep forgetting to take the camera on our walks. We've seen tons of robins, a few cardinals and blue jays, a couple orioles, a million (at least ) squirrels, and lots of dogs out for walks.
Ivy all over- unfortunately also lots of poison ivy.
The boys were real excited to find this outside

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Is Here!

K & C practiced making baskets from plants out in the yard.
First flowers
Spring buds
C looking for signs of spring
Beautiful Bradford Pears