Saturday, May 21, 2011


Here are a couple of great websites we've been using to try to ID some of the many birds & trees we've been watching:
Bird calls - this is enature- we just found today and have been trying to ID plants, animal

we've loved seeing these trees with smooth grey bark. maybe an American beech?

Nature Pics

I thought moving up to Baltimore we wouldn't see much nature- I was really wrong! We've seen tons. Sherwood Gardens is just a couple blocks from our house. Beautiful! We've been there lots and lots- during the day me and the kids would go with nature journals or friends or with James for a nice after dinner walk. Peak of tulip season was Easter- I put some pics on our blog of our beautiful morning there- so many different colors of tulips. We also loved seeing a close-up painting of a tulip at the Museum of Art. We've also loved seeing all the different trees- in NC most trees have a straight tree trunk- here there are tons of different shapes.

At the end of tulip season, the azaelas came into bloom- several different colors. And now the roses are blooming. Hopefully some of my phone pics turn out good too bc I keep forgetting to take the camera on our walks. We've seen tons of robins, a few cardinals and blue jays, a couple orioles, a million (at least ) squirrels, and lots of dogs out for walks.
Ivy all over- unfortunately also lots of poison ivy.
The boys were real excited to find this outside