Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Learning so much

we've been enjoying making a point getting out in nature and watching. I haven't been great at taking pictures but we're enjoying learning- even if I still call plants the wrong thing. we went out this morning and spent a long time working on our "weed gardens." We found rollie pollies, snails, earthworms. then as we were taking our weed gardens out into the woods, we saw a huge spider web. K took one look at the spider and said "Mommy it's a spiny bellied spider." I'd never heard of those until last week when I googled the strange looking spider and found out that it's super common- who knew? Here's a baby duck that we watched outside the condo at Disney. We took tons of pics in Animal Kingdom.

we also got our first pet-Fuzzi Wuzzi- although I think that Florida was too warm for him. After briefing losing and refinding him, we put him into a new home for the trip to Florida. The second day there I thought he'd been squooshed. turns out he'd started his cocoon (a few months early) but he doesn't seem to be making a ton of progress- he is still in his home so we'll check on him later.

We also made a trip to Cape Fear Botanical Gardens which was great. We enjoyed a scavenger hunt and learning about the different plants there. I thought I'd learned about hostas until today I confused an elephant ear plant for a hosta- much to learn!

Monday, September 7, 2009

First nature post

so I used to think people with multiple blogs were a little crazy but now I'm so excited about our nature studies that we needed a new one just for that! we've been spending lots of time outdoors looking at all the amazing things God made. In the last few days, I've learned lots about bugs- especially spittle bugs. I didn't take pictures but we found bug eggs on some of our weeds. I didn't know what they were but thanks to google found out they were spittle bug eggs. then I started to tell the boys that the bugs all over the front yard were stink bugs but noticed they were never stinky and learned they were grown up spittle bugs.

I'm definitely learning something new every day. Here are some more bugs we've been watching.